Gig Tree
I am an associate professor of the dept. of healthcare administration, OIT (University) with the specialties including health management, medical quality improvement, etc. I used to work at the deputy director of the Health Management Center, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital (tertiary center) in New Taipei City, Taiwan.
Since 2012, I have had the opportunity to participate in many international academic conferences or overseas lectures. I would like to share some deep impression experiences over the years. If you are interested, please refer to the following information and pictures.
Ming-Shu Chen, Chi-Hao Chiu, Hsing-Yi Lee (2019) July, " Metabolic syndrome risk assessment in adults with different sedentary related occupations in Taiwan ", 3rd International Conference on Diabetes, Nutrition, Metabolism & Medicare, July 29- 31, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Journal of the Diabetology, 2019 (Volume 3), pp.42.
Ming-Shu Chen*, Chi-Hao Chiu (2019) May, "A data-driven risk assessment of the Diabetes & Obesity for sedentary related and high social status occupation worker", Journal of the medical technologist association of Thailand, 2019 (47 Supplement 1), pp.192-193.
陈铭树 (亚东技术学院医务管理系副教授、台湾健康管理学会常务理事),中山大学 云康医管院 "育仁大讲坛" 第八讲,专题演讲:「医学检验数据判读与健康管理」
534th International Conferences on Medical and Health Science (ICMHS), Dec. 27- 28, Osaka, Japan
Ming-Shu Chen*, Chao-Chung Ho (2018) Dec., "Biomedical Waste Disposal of Hospitals Analysis to Improve Healthcare Quality in Taiwan", 534th International Conferences on Medical and Health Science (ICMHS), Dec. 27- 28, Osaka, Japan.
Ming-Shu Chen*, Ching-Yuan Lin, Chun-Yi Li, (2018) Dec., "The real-time feedback system in clinical laboratory quality control", GOLD PRIZE, 2018 Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF), Dec 6-9 2018, COEX, Seoul, Korea Invention Promotion Association in Seoul.
陈铭树 (亚东技术学院医务管理系副教授、台湾健康管理学会常务理事),广东省医学会第六次健康管理学学术会议,专题演讲:「健康管理中心运营管理--BSC之应用与实践」
Ming-Shu Chen*, Yi-Fang Chen, Yu-Ting Tung, Ya-Hui Wei, Xuan-Yin Liu, Yen-Wen Wu, (2018) July., "An Assessment on the Risk of Sedentary Working Pattern for Suffering from Metabolic Syndrome", 2018 International Conference on Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism (ICDEM), July 16- 17, Prague, Czech Republic. July 2018, Vol. 4, ISSN: 2470-7570.
Speech Title:Quality Control in Healthcare System