Gig Tree

I am an associate professor of the dept. of healthcare administration, OIT (University) with the specialties including health management, medical quality improvement, etc. I used to work at the deputy director of the Health Management Center, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital (tertiary center) in New Taipei City, Taiwan.

Since 2012, I have had the opportunity to participate in many international academic conferences or overseas lectures. I would like to share some deep impression experiences over the years. If you are interested, please refer to the following information and pictures.

Chao-Chung Ho, Ming-Shu Chen*, Yong-Bao Jiang, (2017) Oct., "The Healthcare Quality and Performance Evaluation of Hospitals with Different Ownerships -Demonstrated by Taiwan Hospitals", 2017 10th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI), Oct.14- 16, Shanghai, China. IEEE Part Number:...

陳銘樹*、廖承茂, 林志銘, 黃仰仰 (2017) May,運用加權變異數方法改善血液檢驗品管以確保輸血安全( Improving hematology tests quality control by application of Weighted Variance (WV) method to ensure blood transfusion safety ),中國重慶第一屆兩江輸血醫學論壇暨渝台輸血醫學學術交流會,壁報論文,重慶市醫學會,輸血協會、重慶市醫師協會台灣輸血學會共同主辦,May 4-6,重庆君豪大饭店國際會議中心。

Ming-Shu Chen*, Yi-Horng Lai, Shu-Wen Chang (2016) Oct., "The Intention to Use the Cloud Sphygmomanometer-Demonstrated by Taiwan Medical Center", 2016 9th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI), Oct.15- 17, Datong, China. IEEE Part Number: CFP16J14-ART, ISBN: 978-1-5090-3710-0....

Ming-Shu Chen*, Chia-Ling Chen (2016) Aug.-Sept., "The study of radioimmunoassay laboratory management and quality control: Healthcare failure mode and effects analysis (HFMEA) as a risk-assessment tool to prevent tumor marker laboratory report errors", The 32nd World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IFBLS), Aug.31- Sept.4,Kobe, Japan.

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